Well I guess I couldn't be more shameless about my plug based on the post title huh? lol
Seriously though as you know I don't blog here at this blog too much anymore. I'm over at New Way of Wealth now and have also started up Tony Teegarden.com. I've got a lot of sentimental value attached to this blog and probably won't give it up anytime soon.
Especially after today.
If you've been a long time reader here you know that I'm big time into Joe Vitale's work. (Many of you know Joe Vitale from The Secret and the Attractor Factor)
However today is a special occasion. Because of one of the most popular posts on this blog (The Nastiest Email Ever) I have a story that is going to be featured in Joe Vitale's newest book Expect Miracles which is launching on Amazon.com today.
I wanted to let you know about it and if you do intend to buy the book (which I would encourage anyway) I have a special gift for you that's valued around $47.00.
Just email me at anthony(at)newwayofwealth(dot)com with proof of purchase and I'll rush you over a rare ebook that is valued at $47.00. I doubt you'll find it too many places these days and it's a gem of an ebook.
Jump over to Amazon and get it if you think it's cool.
Otherwise I wish you continued success hope you will join me over at New Way of Wealth for your personal development and business blogging.